Today there is an increased international collective sense of civil responsibility to change the status quo and create progress within our home communities and those around the planet. Artists are contributing by addressing global issues and creating projects that stimulate social inclusion at a cultural, political, and economical level. At IFI we feel an intrinsic part of this communal call.
Bangladeshi Children from a rural school in Sylhet, 2016
Beggar girl from Sylhet, Bangladesh 2017
Cuba photography exhibition at The Brick Lane Gallery, London, UK. 2016
To Images for Inclusion children are the most precious assets all nations have, but they are often treated poorly by the laws and their culture worldwide. Today indigenous children suffer physical and emotional abuse even by the police. Girls suffer an enormous amount of cultural and economic disadvantages due to gender stereotypes and misogyny, which prevent them from having a healthy and happy childhood and a bright future. IFI believes that gender and race based discrimination among other forms of violence must be addressed internationally.
Kids in Old Havana, Cuba, 2016
Mapuche girl in Wallmapu. Chile, 2019
Indigenous communities are driven from their homelands and stripped of their identity. There is lack of protection from many governments and, wrongful incarceration and convictions, and an unjust impunity for the killing of innocent indigenous people who often are just trying to defend, or get back, their stolen land and conserve their culture, language and identity. These injustices call for action from leaders, community organizers and individuals who wish to change the status quo. We need to form bonds of solidarity and visualize their struggles.
Children in London, 2016
Women and baby in Bangladesh, 2017
We believe that together, we can help change the culture and be a source of inspiration for the creation and implementation of laws that will defend, protect and prevent the violation of women, children and indigenous communities' fundamental rights. We envision a better world we all can create - united, with love, and mutual respect, and understanding for one another.